
InDesktopmode,yourphoneandthelargedisplayworkindependentlyandcanshowdifferentcontent.Thecontentprojectedonthelargedisplayisinalayout ...,2017年12月14日—YourHuaweiphone'sscreenbecomesavirtualkeyboardandmouse.Slideasinglefingeraroundthescreentomovetheon-screenpointer.Taponce ...,2017年12月5日—【試用】華為Mate10ProxPC模式手機當滑鼠隨插就是大螢幕··開始··觸控板、輸入法··把Android手機介面PC化的意思...

Use Desktop Mode

In Desktop mode, your phone and the large display work independently and can show different content. The content projected on the large display is in a layout ...

How To Use Desktop Mode On The Huawei Mate 10 Pro

2017年12月14日 — Your Huawei phone's screen becomes a virtual keyboard and mouse. Slide a single finger around the screen to move the on-screen pointer. Tap once ...

【試用】華為Mate 10 Pro x PC模式手機當滑鼠隨插就是大螢幕

2017年12月5日 — 【試用】華為Mate 10 Pro x PC模式手機當滑鼠隨插就是大螢幕 · ·開始 · ·觸控板、輸入法 · ·把Android手機介面PC化的意思是... · ·App們怎麼顯示 · ·大小 ...